Cowboy Bebop is a anime collection that aired on the Toonami programming block from 1999 to 2001. The present was created by Shinichirō Watanabe and featured a rag-tag staff of bounty hunters, con artists, and different ne’er-do-wells, who journey by means of area in the hunt for their subsequent job.
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Extra particulars about Cowboy Bebop Posters – Area cowboys Poster RB2910 Cowboy Bebop Posters
The poster is an important a part of any theme and for this reason we provide stunning posters to select from, in a wide range of sizes, that may be customized to suit your residence. This Cowboy Bebop Poster measures at 24×36 inches. It is made for any room in your own home.
- Clean partitions suck, so deliver some life to your dorm, bed room, workplace, studio, wherever
- Printed on 185gsm semi gloss poster paper
- Customized reduce – consult with measurement chart for completed measurements
- Features a 3/16 inch (5mm) white border to help in framing