Cowboy Bebop is a Japanese animated collection that was first broadcast in Japan from April 1998 to March 1999. The story takes place sooner or later, the place humanity has unfold throughout the photo voltaic system. It’s characterised as a “cowboy-style area opera” and incorporates a numerous ensemble of characters.
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Extra particulars about Cowboy Bebop Posters – COWBOY BEBOP Poster RB2910 Cowboy Bebop Posters
Impressed by the hit anime, Cowboy Bebop, these posters are a must have for followers of each anime and jazz.
- Clean partitions suck, so deliver some life to your dorm, bed room, workplace, studio, wherever
- Printed on 185gsm semi gloss poster paper
- Customized minimize – confer with dimension chart for completed measurements
- Features a 3/16 inch (5mm) white border to help in framing